At Bay Explorers, we provide a customised program delivering excellence in education. Our goal is to ensure that our graduating children commence their primary school experience with confidence and calm, knowing they have the skills and resources needed to be successful in their new school environment.
Our Early Childhood Teacher synthesises the Queensland Kindergarten Guidelines, the Early Years Learning Framework and current localised AEDI data to provide a program unique to our Kindergarten and specifically for the children in our classroom. All programming decisions include information about our children garnered through our close and meaningful familiy relationships. In this way we maximise the children's learning opportunities throughout their time in our Bay Exporers Kindergarten.
Our Educators create a seemless curriculum between the Queensland Kindergarten Guidelines (which are targeted towards enriching children's learning throughout the year) and the Early Years Learning Framework (the national guideline for all children in Early Childhood Education and Care). In the state of Queensland, Kindergarten is the year of education prior to children commencing school in the Prep level.
Kindergarten is a fundamentally important year for all children where learning is promoted through play and children thrive as they experience an environment that celebrates their right to experience the joy of childhood. Our experienced Early Childhood Teacher and team of Educators deliver on this commitment through both emergent and planned interactions and learning experiences.
Even in Kindergarten play is the main focus of our timetable and enables us to support, develop and extend each child's individuality, ideas, creativity and interests. Our curriculum will ensure your child is familiarised with the key learning areas they will be exposed to in a formal school environment including literacy and numeracy, art and music, drama, science and health and wellbeing. Physical play extends their abilities through regular movement and sport. Underlying all of these endeavours are the individual social and emotional needs of the children that we meet through our nurturing approach that helps the children develop key skills in resiliance, persistence, confidence and increasing independence.
It is our belief that parents are fundamentally their child's first educator and we embrace and support the vital role you play in your child's life and their evolving journey of learning. Thus we provide many and varied opportunities for families to participate in our Kindergarten classroom and we hope to see you all at our various invitational activities across the year. At drop-off and pick-up our teacher is always available to speak informally with you, address any concerns, or understand ideas or comments you may wish to share.
Bay Explorers Kindergarten reflects all of the amazing learning the children have accomplished throughout their lives to date.
We recognise the rapid development the children are typically experiencing at this age in decision making, communication abilities, independence and importantly individuality. This enables us to concentrate on each and every child's needs, interests and strengths, developing a unique and flexible routine that gives the children daily opportunities to participate in activities that explore pre-writing, pre-reading, science, the arts, mathematics, fine and gross motor skills and of course social and emotional development.
This approach is consistent across all age groups at Bay Explorers however it is a major focus in Kindergarten as we enhance the children's growing skills in readiness for school. This endeavour is led by our degree qualified Early Childhood Teacher.
Displaying their growing independence and confidence, the children participate in leadership opportunities both in their own classroom and across the servivce as a whole. Our nurturing team never lose sight of the children's ever changing social and emotional needs. Our children display the confidence to discuss issues with their friends independently, as well as showing that they are comfortable just being themselves.
Our goal is that each child enters school feeling confident, excited and well prepared. To support this our Teacher completes an individual 'Transition Statement' given to your child's Prep Teacher to ensure continuity of learning and support between our environment and school.